These are three of over 700 children who, thanks to our association, can go to school instead of hanging around the streets all day. Some of them come from the slums around the coastal town of Nha Trang in Vietnam. Nha Trang is known for its fine strand – the tourist doesn’t see the slums behind.
The annual fee for the state schools is more than the parents can earn with their work in two months. Usually, they earn just enough to buy food, if they can find work. There is no money for school and so the poverty is perpetuated.
Would you like to patron one of these children? With education they have the chance of a better future. You would be enabling them to help themselves and not just giving short term aid.
Click here to apply to become a patron.
Every child gets a food packet, Milo, snacks and balloons.
New children also receive a copy-book, a ball pen, a ball, a tooth-brush and a soft toy.
Every child is given money for the school fees, a copy-book, a ball pen, a tooth-brush, a ball, Milo, snacks and balloons.
In addition, new children are given a soft toy and 10Kg of rice.
Just once in summer, every family receives a package of :
A mosquito-net, a wool blanket, 2 towels, 10 soup bowls, 3 copy-books, a ball, a ballpoint pen, Milo, snacks, a balloon, a set of felt pens, a tube of toothpaste and 3 tooth-brushes.